Racist or Offensive Remarks
Racist, sexist or other offensive remarks may be punishable based on the severity at the discretion of the moderator.(Mods punishment will usually not be a ban and will be marked as flaming)
Spam is not going to be punishable based on topic to topic unless excessive use of the same statement or characters is posted repeatedly in one topic, or multiple topics of the same name or specific type are posted many a time by the same person many a time.(more than three)
Any "porn" post will result in a ban of thirty days multiplying by two for each offense, in addition advertisements or links to porn are acceptable without a direct topic being made for said site, child pornography is the exception to this link allowed rule any child porn will result in perma ban report to F.B.I or other federal agencies depending on you country and a report to your I.S.P
A mods word is final, but if you are unsatisfied with a mod you can report them to me
Cursing many a time over may be marked as spam, cursing at a person will be marked as flaming or trolling. Otherwise cursing is okay with us.
Drug reference
Referring to alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, or other drugs legal and otherwise, will be tolerated, however may be punishable in excess with a warning, unless drugs are all you talk about, do not fear being banned.
This rule set is much more lenient than the previous one, don't worry this forums policy is "Toleration" we are one of the most lenient and tolerant forums on the web.
Drug Advertising
Advertising, drugs, legal, prescription, or otherwise, is prohibited. Remember, anyone can join this site, so drug reference is okay, drug selling is not.
Porn advertising
Linking to porn, given fair warning to users is okay, explicit advertising, or posting only to advertise is absolutely not.
Antagonizing Moderators
Antagonizing moderators is against the rules, the mods are working for this forum, for free, and should be treated with respect, being rude to a mod may result in that mod punishing you, this may be harsher due to the fact that they are mad at you, for trying to bully them. Remember mods have power, and you don't!